L’enogastronomia si conferma come una delle principali attrattive in grado di motivare gli arrivi turistici in Italia: il 25,9% dei visitatori che arrivano nel nostro Paese degusta vini e piatti made in Italy, il 18,7% acquista in loco prodotti tipici e/o artigianali del territorio, l’11,3% partecipa ad eventi enogastronomici. Ancor più nello speci...

This past weekend, Italy’s monuments were lit up orange for the #orangetheworld annual campaign sponsored by UN Women and the United Nations on the occasion of the International Day to End Violence against Women. The initiative was launched by the UN Secretary-General in 2008. From Milan to Rome, Siena to the Amalfi Coast, many cities in Italy have...

No holiday meal is complete without a desert. At Christmas, while American families make the traditional pumpkin pie and the Englishmen enjoy the yummy Christmas pudding, the Italians have their piece of the local Christmas cake that fills their houses with the smell of citrus, vanilla, and candied fruit. But Italy has never taken the final decisio...

Rome was the world's 12th most-visited city in 2016, one of four Italian cities in Euromonitor's top 100 city destinations ranking presented on Tuesday at the World Travel Market event in London. Italy's most-visited cities also included Milan in 27th position, followed by Venice in 38th and Florence in 44th, according to the ranking drafted by the...

A thought-provoking art project in Italy’s Milan saw people hitting tennis balls right under the ancient relics and frescos of a 16-century church. The US artist behind the art experiment dubbed his exhibition “Untitled (plot for dialogue).” The playground has been installed in Milan’s Chiesa San Paolo Converso, a former Roman Catholic church curre...

When you write a book devoted to the subject of amaro, it should come as no surprise that the question you’re asked most by readers, bartenders, friends and strangers alike is, What is your favorite amaro? It’s nearly impossible for me to answer. Like Rob Gordon, the obsessive record shop owner played by John Cusack in the film adaptation of Nick H...

Lucian Faggiano of Lecce, Puglia had a dream to open a trattoria. A trattoria is an Italian eatery that is not quite a restaurant, but more than a fast food type drive through. Faggiano purchased a building at 56 Via Ascanio Grandi and immediately began renovations. In order to repair a blocked toilet, he and his sons decided the most efficient way...

Among the 450 or or types of cheeses found in Italy, a dozen or so, including mozzarella, ricotta, parmigiano, gorgonzola and pecorino have gained international renown and distribution. The hundreds of other equally delicious varieties are consumed largely within the provincie where they are made. That’s why a visit to Le Marche is essential for an...

Costa 60 miliardi di euro e 300mila posti di lavoro in meno il falso made in Italy enogastronomico. Lo dice il dossier 'La tavola degli inganni' di Coldiretti presentata a Napoli durante la manifestazione Villaggio contadino nella Rotonda Diaz sul lungomare, 1,5 km di spesa a chilometro zero. Si va dagli Spagheroni prodotti in Olanda alla Salsa Pom...

It’s easy to misjudge a country. You hear a lot, you see a lot and you imagine even more. Some of it is true but much of it isn’t and it’s up to travelers to get beyond clichés and discover what’s authentic. That’s even harder when the country is Italy and art, history, food and a thousand other things come to mind. Before I arrived I was positive...

Italian-made industrial machinery is a center of attraction for up-and-coming generations of US engineering. The Italian Trade Agency educational program places a new accent on the importance of internationalization, offering hands-on exposure to the history and expertise of three Italian companies that are global leaders in glass processing. The w...

Fiera di Roma will host the 5th edition of Maker Faire – the biggest European event on business innovation– taking place from December 1st until 3rd. The Faire, promoted by Rome Chamber of Commerce and by Innova Camera, will attract to the Italian capital the best of innovation from all over the world. This year, the event will have seven pavilions...