Nella Sala stampa della Camera dei Deputati si è tenuta la conferenza dal titolo “Italiani nel mondo potenziali turisti. Quali potenzialità nel turismo di ritorno?organizzata dall’Asmef ed introdotta dall’on. Fucsia FitzGerald Nissoli (FI), eletta nella Circoscrizione Estero – Ripartizione Nord e Centro America. Nel suo saluto introduttivo a tale c...

The chestnut crop out of Italy has been doing very well this season as a cold winter set up good volume and quality, however dry conditions during summer meant sizing has been a bit off. The season began in early October and will imports into the US will continue into the New Year. "We've imported chestnuts from Italy since the first week of Octobe...

Positano is imposing a permit fee of €1,000 (£880, $1,160) to people taking photos for commercial purposes. Tourists and journalists are exempt from the fee.  The town’s mayor said: “Not everyone can be allowed to link their brand to Positano.”The idyllic fishing village of Positano, perched on the Amalfi coast, has to be one of the most Instagramm...

Within minutes of tickets going on sale, they were gone. That's the way it is when the Rolling Stones comes to town. The band was heading to the historic Italian town of Lucca just as we were. We had no hope of securing tickets but we were there in the lead up. We witnessed the preparation for the concert, a heck of a big deal. The Stones were to p...

For a holiday so widely celebrated, the traditions surrounding Christmas are as unique as the ornaments that decorate your tree. From decor, songs, stories and gifts, Christmas looks a little bit different in every home across the world, but of course, here at The Culinary Institute of America, we're especially interested in what's on the table. Th...

Let us introduce the Italian region of Emilia Romagna. Not only does it produce some of our favorite culinary delights (balsamic vinegar, Parma ham and Parmigiano, to name a few) but it’s also the birthplace of Ferrari, Lamborghini and Maserati; and that’s quite a claim to fame. Taking you from the chic streets of Milano, into Parma via a pitstop a...

A lot of around 850 grammes of white truffles was sold for €75,000 ($87,500) in a top Italian auction on Sunday. The buyer, from Hong Kong, placed their winning bid via satellite at the World Alba White Truffles Auction at the Grinzane Cavour castle in Piedmont, northwestern Italy. Isabelle Gianicolo of the National Truffle Study Centre noted that...

Che sia alla vecchia maniera o 4.0 l'industria culturale italiana cresce. Un deciso cambio di rotta rispetto a tre anni fa quando si era raggiunto il punto più basso, complice la crisi economica. Ora però il vento è cambiato. I consumi ricreativi o intellettuali si sono stabilizzati e anzi vanno meglio. A scapito di chi diceva che la cultura era "u...

Every year around October or November a traditional fall food festival is organized in most Italian towns and villages. The autumn food fest is called “Castagnata” which can be literally translated as “The Chestnut Day”. And there is a reason: Castagnata is mainly characterized by roasted chestnuts – the most common autumn gift of nature that actua...

A number of Italian agriculture and food companies have teamed up to defend, support and enhance Italian food products, with a new association Filiera Italia. The establishment of Filiera Italia was initiated by farmers lobby group Coldiretti, together with Ferrero, Inalca/Cremonini and Consorzio Casalasco (Pomì and De Rica), reports Ansa. Other fo...

Italy’s cheese exports hit a record high this year, driven by growing global appetite for Grana Padano and Parmigiano Reggiano. Italy is expected to export more than 400 million kilos of cheese for the first time ever in 2017, according to farmers’ association Coldiretti, which represents an increase of 7 percent from last year and 84 percent in th...

Developed by Piaggio Group, the Vespa Elettrica is a silent, fully electric scooter with acceleration capabilities in line with those of traditional scooters, according to Vespa. It has a 62-mile range and can be fully charged in just four hours through a normal wall-mounted electrical outlet. The battery will reportedly last around 10 years, but w...