Il seminario “Il Mercato del Texas: opportunità per le PMI laziali” si svolgerà il 2 novembre 2017 presso la sede di Lazio Innova in Via Marco Aurelio, 26 a Roma. Il seminario sarà focalizzato sui seguenti settori economici: energia/meccanica, scienze della vita, ICT, agroalimentare, aerospazio. Saranno inoltre analizzati gli elementi che possono d...

An ambitious network gathering 12 Sicilian businesses under a single brand (Gustoso Sicilian Food Excellence) has formed with the objective of conquering US retail shelves and taking Sicilian food businesses overseas. How? By raising the interest of consumers who usually buy niche products exalting their authenticity, history and tradition and prom...

Eat spaghetti, cheat death: it might sound too good to be true, but Italian researchers say they’ve cracked a recipe that could help reduce deaths from heart attacks. In a newly published study, medical researchers at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna’s Institute of Life Sciences in Pisa developed a special kind of pasta enriched with barley flour. Th...

Ciao from Roma, Trinity! This semester, I have the incredible opportunity, along with 19 other Bantams, to spend the Fall semester at Trinity’s Rome Campus in Italy. Deciding to study abroad was certainly not an easy choice for me. I perfectly t the Urban Dictionary definition of a homebody; “a person who enjoys the warmth and simple pleasures of...

Canzoniere, the new album by Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino (CGS), adroitly pulls off a tricky balancing act: adapting the Italian band’s unique, folk-based style to Western pop. The album’s cover art, a photograph of a Coca-Cola bottle filled with tomato sauce, is a visual metaphor for CGS’ new music. As CGS leader Mauro Durante notes, the Coke bo...

L’evento “Stati Uniti: International Forum. Focus on USA” si svolgerà il 27 ottobre presso l’auditorium a Milano. Obiettivo dell’incontro è aggiornare le imprese di quanto esso offra a chi è interessato a sviluppare una presenza commerciale o industriale. L’incontro è organizzato da Assolombarda Confindustria Milano Monza e Brianza, Unicredit, e l’...

Fall is my favorite season. Yes, I love chestnuts, truffles, cardigans, chunky scarves and pumpkin pies. But the real reason I love the fall is another, it’s the dark. The dark brings about hints of wintry chill, mixed with the cinnamon tang of cookies. It calls for the first hot chocolate of the season, thick and sweet, topped with whipped cream,...

A precious piece of mosaic flooring from one of the ceremonial ships built by Emperor Caligula to host festivities on Lake Nemi on Friday is being sent back to Italy where it will be returned to Nemi's Naval museum, Culture Minister Dario Franceschini has announced. The square piece of marble flooring, decorated with a floral motif made of pieces o...

E’ nata questa mattina, nella sede della Casa delle Culture a Sulmona, l’associazione “Abruzzesi nel mondo”. Alla presentazione sono intervenuti i promotori dell’iniziativa Domenico Taglieri, presidente onorario della Giostra Cavalleresca, Maurizio Antonini, presidente della stessa associazione con Domenico Susi, presidente dell’associazione “Gizio...

For quaint Italian villages, the future is looking lonely. Small towns in the country have fast-dwindling populations as younger residents move away in search of job opportunities. So Italian municipalities outside major cities have been going to extremes to try to drum up future residents, including giving away homes for free and simply outlawing...

Fashion designer Valentino Garavani has received the American Academy of Achievement’s ‘Golden Plate Award’. The Italian creative and co-founder of the luxury fashion house Valentino took to Instagram to share a photo of himself accepting the award from actor Jeremy Irons in London. The caption featured a quotation from the designer that read: “I a...

According to the legislation which was published last month, manufacturers must indicate on pack the address of the Italian factory where a food product was either manufactured or packaged. Italy is also trialling mandatory origin labelling for dairy products along with other member states such as France, Greece and Finland. But this legislation ae...