Reflections on Trinity’s Rome Study Abroad Program

Oct 25, 2017 855

Ciao from Roma, Trinity! This semester, I have the incredible opportunity, along with 19 other Bantams, to spend the Fall semester at Trinity’s Rome Campus in Italy. Deciding to study abroad was certainly not an easy choice for me. I perfectly t the Urban Dictionary definition of a homebody; “a person who enjoys the warmth and simple pleasures of being at home.”

I live only 30 minutes from Hartford, love spending time with my family, and genuinely enjoy being in New England. With that being said, once sophomore year rolled around, I desperately needed a break from Trinity, and really wanted to do something out of my comfort zone. Although I absolutely adore Trinity and my friends, I knew that after being a way for a semester, I would come back refreshed and have a new found appreciation for the school.

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