Canada, Australia e Stati Uniti. Qui il Coordinamento Esteri della CONFSAL UNSA denuncia "gravissime penalizzazioni per le retribuzioni in euro che assottigliano gli stipendi" del personale della Farnesina in servizio, "inaccettabili condizioni di assicurazioni contro malattia e previdenziali" e "trattamenti fiscali iniqui". E per questo proclama "...

On October 4, 2013, the Italian Academy Foundation presented "Maestro" Franco Zeffirelli with the Bravo! award at his villa in Rome. The acclaimed set designer and artist graciously accepted the honor, and his acceptance speech will be presented in absentia at the October 10, 2013 IAF Verdi at Carnegie concert. Recipients of the Bravo! award are c...

They have clothed the world's wealthy fashionistas and bejeweled Hollywood stars. Now, Italy's kings of fashion are poised to give this nation's crumbling monuments a makeover to restore them to their former glory, something the cash-strapped Italian government cannot do.   But as Italy courts private cash to rescue some of the globe's best-...

Ben di senso è privo, chi ti conosce, Italia, e non t'adora, scrisse Vincenzo Monti. Se è vero che l'arte degli italiani sta nella bellezza, l'America è in cerca di "prove", per raccontare oltreoceano le meraviglie del Bel Paese, scrigno di arte, cultura, storia, natura. Superando gli stereotipi e mettendo da parte i cliché che spesso ne imprigiona...

di Sabrina Campanella   La Via Emilia è tra le più belle venti strade del mondo per i viaggi "on the road" ed è il meglio che l'Italia offra da questo punto di vista. A dirlo è il "The Sun", noto e popolare tabloid inglese in un articolo pubblicato domenica scorsa nel suo inserto domenicale.   A rendere tale questa strada che dal 187...

by Giacomo Di Girolamo In Sicily, an island that is characterized by its quality wines, there's an area that is the birthplace of a wine that has been considered, especially in the past few years, as a leader in excellence . We are on the slopes of Etna, the highest volcano in Europe, north of Catania.   Etna DOC was born here in, and in 19...

by Elisa della Barba   Everyone's first visit, when in Italy, is dedicated to three or four cities they can't miss: Rome, Venice, Florence, Naples, the most adventurous even reach Palermo.   But if Milan and Genoa – despite not making the list of foreigners first choice most of the times – might be well known and appreciated, there is...

Grabbing something hot and tasty on the move? You have the ancient Romans to thank. "Street food" was their invention, generally enjoyed with wine, gambling or even prostitutes. Food on the go was an integral part of daily life in the empire, from nibbling on salted peas while watching gladiators battle in the Colosseum, to grabbing a sausage...

by Fucsia Nissoli   Thank you, Mr. President, Mr. Undersecretary and honorable colleagues. Today is a good day because we are finally discussing the issue of citizenship within this haul, a difficult issue but one that cannot wait. The idea of citizenship expresses within itself the notion and desire that all people are equal, it is a topic...

Balsamic vinegar has become quite popular among chefs, amateur cooks and foodies. But how do you exactly use balsamic vinegar? How do you select, use and store this precious ingredient? To explain, we need to take a step back. In fact, there are many different kinds of balsamic. The subject is actually quite complicated even for an expert.   But...

by Claudia Baroncelli Perhaps one of the most famous and enigmatic portraits in the history of art, the Mona Lisa, also known as La Gioconda, never ceases to surprise scientists and researchers who always find something new about what is widely considered to be the most enigmatic and fascinating work of art we can still admire.   Made by It...

C'è chi immagina un piatto fumante con il ragù che intona canzoni d'amore tanto è grato dell'accompagnamento, solo a sentirne il nome. Oggetto di tanto incondizionato amore sono gli gnocchi, uno dei primi piatti per i quali è assolutamente vietato il singolare. O sono tanti o è meglio rinunciare in partenza.   Il nome deriverebbe dal lo...