Call for papers: SAMLA, Nov 2014 Atlanta

Jun 19, 2014 1158

Italian II (1600 to Present)
This panel welcomes scholarly contributions on any aspect of modern and contemporary Italian literature.

Of particular interest are papers that focus on the relations between literature and the environment, the representation of nature and its impact in literary texts and films, ecological identity, and activism as reflected in these media. By June 30, 2014, please submit a 250-word abstract, brief bio, and A/V requirements to Giovanna Summerfield, Auburn University, at [email protected].

The Graduate Studies in Italian Discussion Circle seeks papers on SAMLA 86 special focus, Sustainability and the Humanities. All time periods and genres will be considered. This is a forum for graduate students to share projects, research, papers for energizing discussion. By June 30, 2014 please submit a 250-word abstract with a brief bio to Giovanna Summerfield, Auburn University, at [email protected].

Dr. Giovanna Summerfield
Associate Dean for Educational Affairs
College of Liberal Arts
Office: 315A Tichenor Hall,
Mailing: 302 Tichenor Hall,
Auburn University,
AU, AL 36849-5023
Tel: 334-844-2890
Fax: 334-844-7175
E-mail: [email protected]

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