Contract Manufacturer accelerates its packaging operations

Nov 25, 2013 1218

New facilities and equipment investments drive LiDestri Foods' operations in Rochester, NY, and Fresno, CA. Last year, LiDestri also made a major investment in its Fresno, CA, plant by becoming as Davis believes "the first in North America" to be able to fill and package low-acid, retorted, spouted pouches using robotic retort loading and unloading equipment from Stock America.

Although the company cannot divulge customer names or identify specific packages being run on the line, Davis does say they are for stand-up, spouted baby food packages that are available commercially.
Addressing the packaging technology, Davis explains, "There are lots of people in North America that can accommodate hot-filled versions, high-acid products, but we were the first to be able to fill a low-acid product that includes proteins or dairy components in a low-acid spouted pouch."

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