Courage and Conviction: The True Story of Christopher Columbus

Oct 09, 2020 1881

Produced by the Knights of Columbus and National Columbus Education Foundation. The documentary will air Columbus Day weekend on EWTN with two separate showings: Sunday, October 11 at 10:00 p.m. Monday, October 12 at 6:30 p.m. *Note, after the documentary airs on EWTN it will be available for on Demand viewing via Here is the link to Trailer on YouTube

Courage and Conviction: The True Story of Christopher Columbus is a thorough examination of the life and legacy of the fearless discoverer of America. This film provides insight into Christopher Columbus' remarkable genius as a sea navigator as well as his deep desire to bring all nations to Christ. Through expert interviews and archival footage, we look at the origins of Columbus Day and the symbolic role that Columbus has for Catholic immigrants, especially Italian Americans.

Finally, the film addresses the current indictments against Christopher Columbus with boldness and exposes the motive behind the attacks of revisionist historians. This film shows why Christopher Columbus remains not only a man worthy of admiration, but a noble icon of what it means to be a Catholic and an American.

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