Election to renew the Committee of Italians residing abroad - COMITES 2021 voting registration procedures.

Jul 21, 2021 1703

The elections for the renewal of the Committee of Italians Residing Abroad (Com.It.Es.) will be held at the end of 2021 (art. 14, ¶ 3, Law n.162/12.302019, converted into Law n.118 of 02.28.2020). The Committee of Italians Residing Abroad are elected bodies which represents the interests of Italian citizens residing abroad in their relations with the Diplomatic-Consular Offices and work towards the integration of the Italian Community residing in the Country of residence.

On the occasion of this important election, only voters who meet the legal requirements for voting, who are registered in the AIRE (Registry of Italians Residing Abroad) and who reside in the consular jurisdiction for at least 6 months (prior to the date of the elections).

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SOURCE: https://consdetroit.esteri.it

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