International Competition for New Italian Theater

Jun 20, 2017 1455

italytime Centro Culturale Italiano di New York in collaboration with The John D. Calandra Italian American Institute announces the International Competition for New Italian Theater titled "The Kindly Narrator"

Admission to the Competition is open to anyone. Rules for Entering the International Competition for New Italian Theater "The Kindly Narrator" (henceforth referred to as the Competition)

1. The Competition consists of a written submission, in Italian, of an original one-act play, featuring no more than four characters; the script should be no longer than 36,120 keystrokes (both letters and spaces).

2. Participants should also include one page of personal details including your address; an admission fee of $25 (sent via PayPal using the link; and a signed statement giving up all author's rights to italytime according to the details of Article 6 below and accepting the decision of the jury without question or exception; the emailed copy, in Microsoft Word, of the one-act play submission addressed to and should be sent no later than January 31, 2018.

3. The theme of this first edition of the Competition is "Histories of Italian Immigration to America" up to the present day.

4. The jury for this year's Competition will consist of: Professor Jo Ann Cavallo (Columbia University, New York), director Vittorio Capotorto, Dean Anthony J. Tamburri (Queens College, New York), and dramaturg Paolo Tartamella. The jury will be chaired by Dacia Maraini.

5. The winners will be the writers of the three best one-act submissions.

6. The three winners, with no further claims, will see their one-act plays produced on stage in New York in a one-time production staged by italytime, and they will need to freely concede all rights for the year 2018-2019 both to the staging and to the eventual publication (in English and Italian) of the dramaturgical series issued by italytime.


SOURCE: John D. Calandra Italian American Institute

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