Italian alphabet: the story of Italian publishing

Jan 23, 2023 415

Alfabeto italiano is a series of podcasts in four languages – Italian English German and French – that talks to the world. It consists of 12 double episodes of 50 minutes, each divided into a first and a second part lasting 25 minutes. Each letter of the alphabet has a key word, and each episode presents two leading figures in the Italian literary world: authors, publishers, booksellers, cultural operators … We look forward to welcoming you on the #italiana Vimeo channel, and on yours favourite listening app.

Publishing houses both very young and dating back centuries, urban and rural, names focusing on a single topic and brands extending to the farthest corners of the planet will take it in turns to play their part in building an ideal path towards two events in which Italy plays a leading role: the Paris Book Fair and the Frankfurt Book Fair, with Italy guest of honour in 2024.

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