Italian American ONE VOICE Coalition Decries Casting Call for Perpetuation of Negative Stereotyping of Israelis and Italians

Apr 28, 2018 968

The Italian American ONE VOICE Coalition (“ONE VOICE”), a nationwide coalition of anti-bias activists, is vehemently opposed to a casting call for perpetuating a negative stereotype of Israelis and Italians.  The casting call, posted on, states Looking for Israelis and Italian Actors that are not ashamed to admit they can be an asshole to others.”  The casting call lists the production as a “Documentary” with the title “Assholes: A Theory”.

 “Here we go again,” stated Dr. Manny Alfano, Founder and President of ONE VOICE.  “It is unbelievable that such a blatant and damaging stereotype specifically targets Israelis and Italians.  This is totally unacceptable.”

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