Italian Language and Culture Conference: New directions in Teaching and Research (Georgetown University, Washington DC)

Apr 09, 2015 1652

CALL FOR PAPERS. Italian Language and Culture Conference: New directions in Teaching and Research - Georgetown University, Washington DC

Saturday, October 24th 2015

Keynote Speaker: Nicoletta Marini-Maio, Dickinson College

The Department of Italian at Georgetown University together with the Italian Embassy and the Italian Cultural Institute in Washington D.C. invites proposals for its second conference on teaching and research in the field of Italian language and culture. The purpose of this conference, which will take place during Italian Language Week, is to share innovative approaches and pedagogical strategies for teaching Italian language and culture at both the high school and university levels, and to showcase current trends in SLA theory and research.

We invite proposals from both teachers and scholars who are experienced in data-driven research, creating course materials, and/or developing curricula.

Topics may include but are not limited to:
- incorporating music and the visual arts to promote proficiency in language and culture
- developing intercultural competence through the use of Teletandem / telecollaboration
- adapting Web 2.0 computer-mediated communication tools
- creating new course formats (the flipped classroom / hybrid or fully online courses)

Professional development credits will be awarded to middle and high school teachers in attendance.

Please send a proposal of 250 words for a presentation, workshop or interactive session, and a brief CV to [email protected] by June 15.

Please also include the following:
Paper title
Presenter's name
Affiliation and title
Email, telephone, and mailing address

Department of Italian
Georgetown University

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