Producers Talk ‘Home Sweet Rome’ Global Tween Musical Series on Which HBO Teamed With Europe’s Top Public Broadcasters – Watch Clip (EXCLUSIVE)

Mar 30, 2023 630

A 13-year old girl named Lucy moves from California to Rome to start a new life with her dad and stepmom (who happens to be an Italian pop star) in upcoming live action musical TV series “Home Sweet Rome” which reps the first collaboration between HBO and Europe’s top three public broadcasters in the kids space.

Based on a concept by “Hannah Montana” creator Michael Poryes, the English-language show conceived as a cross-cultural magnet for tween audiences will premiere April 7 on Canada’s Family Channel, which is owned by WildBrain, followed by launches on other partner networks: the BBC, Italian state broadcaster RAI, German pubcaster ARD, and on HBO Max in the U.S.

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