Hey, come over here, kid, learn something. ... You see, you start out with a little bit of oil. Then you fry some garlic. Then you throw in some tomatoes, tomato paste, you fry it; ya make sure it doesn't stick. You get it to a boil; you shove in all your sausage and your meatballs; heh? ... And a little bit o' wine. An' a little bit o' sugar, and...
By Angelo F. Coniglio I have detailed the type of information found on the ships' manifests of Southern Italian immigrants to Ellis Island, documents that are available on the free site www.ellisisland.org. That site, one of the first to display manifests, can be very helpful, but it has its drawbacks. ellisisland.org sometimes maddeningly display...
By Francesca Bezzone A quintessential figure of Italo-american culture, Puzo was, and still remains today almost twenty years after his death, the iconic symbol of how Italian and American heritage have merged together to create some of the most defining art of the 20th century. Even his career is image to what could only be defin...
Negli Stati Uniti 7 pecorini di tipo italiano su 10 sono "tarocchi" nonostante il nome richiami esplicitamente al Made in Italy. È quanto denunciano i pastori della Coldiretti che questa settimana hanno lasciato le campagne per portare le pecore al pascolo al Foro Traiano nel centro storico di Roma per difendere il lavoro, gli animali, le stalle e...
di Stefano Vaccara Lo confesso: la festa del Columbus Day mi porta un po' di tristezza, quasi mi incupisce. Da un po' di tempo ormai. E devo confessare anche che la mia tristezza non scaturisce dal dolore che sentono i discendenti dei nativi americani, dal Nord al Centro al Sud America, che considerano l'anniversario dell'arrivo di Cristof...
IAOVC is asking all Italian American Defenders & Organizations to speak out with ONE United VOICE on Thursday, February 13, 2014 from 9:00 am until 4:00 pm ET AFLAC will not remove stereotypical commercial "Family Business," which portrays Italian Americans as mobsters. They will not acknowledge that these commercials are abo...
Like Irish pubs and Chinese takeouts, you'd be hard-pressed to find a moderately-populated town without an Italian restaurant. And for much of the country, that Italian restaurant is a chain. We canvassed the country, and from corporate behemoths like Olive Garden to family-run chains like The Old Spaghetti Factory, we've tracked down the 12 best c...
Con il rapporto annuale pubblicato oggi dall'Amministrazione Obama sul rispetto della proprietà intellettuale, l'Italia viene finalmente rimossa - dopo ben 25 anni di permanenza continuativa - dalla lista dei Paesi sotto osservazione per le criticità nel settore della proprietà intellettuale. "Risultato di straordinaria importanza" "E' un...
The Order Sons of Italy in America (OSIA), the oldest and largest national organization for men and women of Italian heritage, elected Daniel J. Longo of Maryland to serve a two-year term as National President during its 54th Biennial National Convention in Bonita Springs, Florida, Aug. 16-23, 2015. He is the former National Director of Client Serv...
Six coaches from Italian American football club teams have spent valuable time this summer serving as volunteer coaches with six NCAA Division III colleges in the United States as part of the Global Football International Coaching Exchange initiative. Global Football matched the Italian Football League (IFL) coaches with NCAA Division III...
by Tony DiZinno Richard Antinucci and O'Gara Motorsport have bounced back in a big way from disappointment on Friday morning, with the Italian American claiming the Lamborghini Blancpain Super Trofeo North America championship after a win in the second of two races at Sebring International Raceway. Antinucci shared the No. 50 Lamborgh...
Eleonora Goldoni: la ventenne miss America ferrarese che sta studiando giocando a calcio. A prima vista sembra una reginetta di bellezza, poi le dai un pallone tra i piedi e ti accorgi di avere davanti agli occhi l'erede al femminile di Del Piero. «Mi manca l'Italia, la famiglia, il fidanzato. Il cibo, il Bel Paese... ma penso sia tutto normale -...