by Rita Cipalla   The love of words has fueled much of Terry Tazioli's 40-year career. He's been a print reporter, newspaper editor, television producer and news assignment editor. He's also co-author of a New York Times bestseller, "Volcano: The Eruption of Mount St. Helens."   Currently, Tazioli is co-host of a public broadcasting p...

Michéal Castaldo will officially release his digital single of "O Come, O Come Emmanuel" on Vital Records, November 4, 2016. This digital single will be available on Amazon, iTunes, Spotify, and other digital online music e-tail stores worldwide. There are two tracks/mixes of this digital single available, one is a full production and the other is...

Il presidente dell'Associazione Visit USA, Sandro Saccoccio, annuncia che in fiera viene presentata la prima edizione del premio giornalistico Visit USA Italy abbinato alla promozione turistica della destinazione (è dedicato a Simonetta Busnelli, scomparsa dopo una lunga malattia lo scorso agosto).   Presenti nel padiglione Brand USA gli uff...

By Maurita Cardone Ha appena lanciato un nuovo album sul mercato americano e si prepara a partire per un lungo tour che lo poterà in più di 40 città tra Canada e Stati Uniti. Zucchero, all'anagrafe Adelmo Fornaciari, ha alle spalle più di 30 anni di carriera e, artisticamente parlando, non ha nemmeno un capello bianco.   Con l'entusiasmo e...

Let's face it, when it comes to vending machines, Italy has more of them in operation than any other country in Europe, most of them preparing coffee.   It is also the world leader in their manufacture and sale, with around 60% of products destined for export. But when Italian entrepreneur Nino Lo Iacono combined this world class manufa...

di Andrea Carnevale   Se siete tra quelli che amano mostrare a tutti l'ultimo accessorio tecnologico appena acquistato, sappiate che non siete più soli. Da oggi in poi, anche il vostro miglior amico (a quattro zampe) potrà sfoggiare il suo accessorio hi-tech. E, come è giusto che sia, nel suo caso si tratterà di un osso.   Un osso per...

by Gwendolyn Richards   For me, Italian cuisine is intrinsically linked to family. It evokes a picture of several generations gathering around the table, passing platters of pasta and roasted meats as babies are bobbed on knees and the room is filled with laughter and conversation.   Note: I've never actually been invited to such a fa...

Thomas Anthony "Tomie" dePaola was born on September 15, 1934, in Meriden, Connecticut. His mother read to Tomie from the time he was in diapers; cementing his love for books. When he was only four years old, he was certain that he would grow up to be an author and illustrator. Following his graduation from high school, he enrolled at Pratt Institu...

By Alice Gregory   In the big leagues of fashion, there is only one designer who has consistently challenged the paradox of power and sex — and she's done it with a laugh, a cigarette and a billion dollar business. "Ah, my kind of girl - blond!''   These were Donatella Versace's first words to me, and they were spoken with the ca...

Carla Gugino, whose father was Italian, was born on August 29, 1971, in Sarasota, Florida. She spent her childhood between California and Florida. When she was 15 and living in San Diego, she decided to try her hand at a modeling career. While successful, Carla became disillusioned with the lifestyle. A year later, she moved to New York City and op...

Il viaggio di alla scoperta dell'America del Nord è coinciso con l'arrivo sul mercato della nuova e tanto attesa Fiat 124 Spider che negli USA è sempre equipaggiata col 1400 turbo benzina MultiAir da 160 CV anziché i 140 destinati agli italiani che possono consolarsi però coi 180 cavalli della Abarth 124.   Negli USA invece la...

The Order Sons of Italy in America (OSIA) is urging its members to support the Advanced Placement Examination in Italian, using a strategic plan outlined by Claudio Bisogniero, Italy's ambassador to the U.S., in his recent letter to Italian American organizations.   "In 2013, about 2,000 students took the exam, but an additional 500 are need...