By Franco Esposito   L'anno scorso la contea di Miami Dade ha toccato i 13,9 milioni di visitatori con almeno una notte passata in albergo. Un primato che però non ha avuto il contributo dei turisti italiani: nel 2012 infatti gli arrivi in tutti gli Stati Uniti dal nostro Paese sono calati del 6,8%, un segno meno che ha coinvolto anche Miami...

by Marc DiPaolo   "There's nothing extraordinary about American gangsters," protested [James] Bond. "They're not Americans. Mostly a lot of Italian bums with monogrammed shirts who spend the day eating spaghetti and meat-balls and squirting scent over themselves.... greaseballs who filled themselves up with pizza pie and beer all week and on...

Italian-Americans have enjoyed minimal films or television shows that highlight real life historical figures. You got your Rocky Balboa, Sopranos, and The Godfather as successful enterprises but those fictional story lines pale in comparison to "Unbroken."   The Angelina Jolie directed film tells the story of Lou Zamperini, a second-generat...

Luciano Pavarotti was born on October 12, 1935 near Modena, Italy. His father was a baker and an amateur singer while his mother worked in a cigar factory. As a child, he wanted to play soccer, but he was also drawn to singing. He would spend his days listening to his father's recordings – his favorite quickly became the great operatic tenor Gius...

By Jordan G. Teicher The confessional is a special place in any Catholic Church, but in Marcella Hackbardt's series "True Confessionals," it takes on a distinct significance.   Centered in their frames and largely shown in churches empty of people, Hackbardt's confessionals strike viewers not as merely one feature among many in the architec...

MUNCHIES is excited to release the latest episode of MOLTISSIMO, hosted by food icon Mario Batali. Sponsored by Microsoft Surface, the episode features Batali hosting two dear friends into the MUNCHIES Kitchen: Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon and New York City's author and caterer Mary Giuliani.Mario welcomes his guests with a very special menu of p...

Sandro Saccoccio, presidente Visit Usa Italia, termina la sua presidenza a capo dell'associazione, che ha compiuto quest'anno 30 anni, e che per mission promuove attraverso i suoi soci lo sviluppo del turismo verso gli Stati Uniti.   "E' stato per me motivo d'orgoglio accettare la Presidenza dell'Associazione Visit USA che ho servito con spi...

Piena soddisfazione è stata espressa dall'on. Nissoli (PI) a seguito della comunicazione ricevuta dal Ministro Bonino circa la continuità operativa dei Consolati italiani di Filadelfia e Detroit. "E' il frutto - ha dichiarato la deputata eletta in Nord e Centro America - di un lavoro sinergico fatto da tutte le rappresentanze degli italiani in...

Like other art forms that aim to attract a mass audience (movies, television, Broadway shows), pop music has been and continues to be a melting pot that borrows and assimilates elements and ideas from a wide range of musical styles.   Rock, r&b, country, disco, punk, Latin and hip hop are all specific genres of music that have influenced...

Born Francesco Stephen Castelluccio, better known as Frankie, a certain Italian-American was told early on that should he make it as a singer, his surname was 'a little long for marquees.' Opting for Valley, then the Italianised Valli, his new name would gain worldwide acclaim over the next five decades and counting.   He may have started ou...

Women's role in food security, nutrition and health, and the outlook for EXPO Milan 2015. These were the central topics of the first international "Women in Business" workshop organised by the Aspen Institute with support from the Italian Embassy in Washington, which hosted the event.   Participants included the deputy speaker of the Senate, Lind...

Twelve-year-old Nathan Odom won Fox network's hit show Master Chef Jr. last night taking home $100,000 in the process. The 12-year-old San Diego native faced off against Andrew Zappley, an 11-year-old from Westford, New Jersey in the final.   Each young cheftestant had 90 minutes to prepare a three-course meal. Andrew's final meal was i...