The son of a goldsmith, Giuseppe Ceracchi was born on July 4, 1751 in Italy. At a young age, the boy showed interest and talent in sculpting and he was sent to Rome to study under Tommaso Righi – an Italian sculptor known for his neoclassical style. When he was 22 years old, Giuseppe moved to London to study under Royal Academy founder and Italian...

by Michael Traversa   Italian American movie star Sylvester Stallone is having the time of his life. Last November he brought back fan favorite character Rocky Balboa in the new picture Creed, which follows Apollo Creed's son Adonis strenuous rise to the top, with the aid of Rocky. The movie debuted to much critical praise and strong box off...

Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher swore by them for much needed energy. But it seems power naps might be bad for us. Those who steal forty winks in the day are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure, according to research. The Mayo Clinic in Minnesota pooled data from nine studies with 112,267 participants. They found those who...

Attribute to Joseph V. Del Raso, Esq., National Italian American Foundation Chairman (NIAF) and John M. Viola, NIAF President   "On behalf of the National Italian American Foundation Board of Directors, we send our warmest congratulations to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie in his re-election victory, and to Bill de Blasio, who was overwhe...

IASA is pleased to announce the results of its 2013 Executive Council election. Congratulations to Dr. Chiara Mazzuchelli, Dr. John Paul Russo and Dr. Anthony Tamburri on their reelections, and congratulations to Jessica Femiani and Joey Nicoletti on their election to a first term as Council members.   You can view the complete Council Roste...

Con l'arrivo del sistema digitale i canali Rai si sono moltiplicati, e Rai International ha cambiato nome prendendo quello di Rai Italia. Ebbene, questa emittente non sembra suscitare troppo interesse tra il pubblico italoamericano negli Usa. Gli abbonamenti al canale internazionale della tv di Stato là sono crollati: solo pochi anni fa erano quasi...

Il ministro degli Affari Esteri, Federica Mogherini, ha espresso "grande soddisfazione" alla notizia della nomina dell'italiana Simonetta Di Pippo quale direttore di UNOOSA (United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs).   Di Pippo, astrofisico di fama internazionale, vanta una lunga e brillante carriera, contraddistinta da numerosi incaric...

Il suo ristorante nel 1998 ha ricevuto "L'insegna del ristorante Italiano" dal presidente della Repubblica, mentre in seguito, nel 2001, il suo rinomato locale è stato premiato come miglior "Ristorante Lucano nel Mondo" dalla Regione Basilicata. La motivazione del premio fu proprio per l'attenzione posta alla gastronomia lucana e per l'ottima attiv...

Reality star Frank Sorrentino, most commonly known as the older brother to the Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino from his appearances on the Jersey Shore, is set to make his Off-Broadway debut in "My Big Gay Italian Funeral" opposite creator Anthony J. Wilkinson as his former gay lover Dominick Vitale.   Currently being played by Addison LeMay...

by Mauro Battocchi   It's a rich season for documentary exploration of the Italian American experience. Fresh on the heels of Finding the Mother Lode: Italian Immigrants in California, which premiered on KVIE (PBS Sacramento) on Wednesday, December 24 at 7:00 pm and will be re-broadcast on KVIE 2 on December 25 at 7:30, we are also lucky to...

by Maria Gloria   Dear Readers, An April assortment of Italian connections for you: Pietro Di Donato was born in West Hoboken, New Jersey on April 3, 1911, to Abruzzese emigrants and died at the age of 80. He took up writing during a period in which he was an out-of-work bricklayer.   His first story "Christ in Concrete" pub...

by Katherine Schaeffer   On his front porch in Brighton Heights, Mario Mancini holds a newspaper photo spread, yellowed with age and smoothed beneath a wooden frame. Mancini, 74, points to his teenage self in a photo, standing in New York City just hours after escaping one of the biggest modern maritime disasters — the sinking of the An...