The Pasadena Tournament of Roses has named Naomi Stillitano as the 105th Rose Queen® at the Announcement and Coronation ceremony presented by Citizens Business Bank. The 2024 Tournament of Roses President Alex Aghajanian made the announcement on the front steps of Tournament House in Pasadena.
The first Rose Queen was announced in 1905, and for more than 100 years, the Rose Queen and Court have symbolized the heart of the cherished Rose Parade on New Year’s Day. The seven young ladies highlight the mosaic of backgrounds and cultures that define the Pasadena community and exemplify character, service and leadership modeled through their commitment to family, school and community.
by Matthew Breen Fashion fans will be in for a treat this fall when the Fine Arts Museums...
In September of 2002, some of Los Angeles' most prominent Italian American citizens got to...
Little Italy San Jose will be hosting a single elimination Cannoli tournament to coincide...
Candice Guardino is adding to her list of successful theatrical productions with the debut...
We are very excited to announce that on Saturday, August 11, The San Francisco Italian Ath...
AGENDA 12.00 – 12.15 Light lunch12.15 – 12.30Welcome addresses Lorenzo Mannelli, MD, PhD...
**The ceremony will be held in Little Italy SJ at W. Julian and North Almaden (Next to Pae...
September 26/27 - 3 PM - 1651 N. Highland Ave, 90028The Great Gravy/Sauce Cooking Com...