ISSNAF 2016 Awards Finalists announced

Sep 16, 2016 599

Dear all,
here are the finalist that will come to Washington DC at the ISSNAF Annual Event 2016 to present their work to the Jury which will select the winner of the 2016 ISSNAF young investigator Awards. The finalists will be contacted by ISSNAF with details for the participation to the Annual Event on Oct, 17 and 18 at the Italian Embassy in Washington DC. Congratulations!!!!

Paola Campese Award for research in Leukemias: Iacobucci, Minieri, Lovat
Hogan Lovells Award in Medicine, Biosciences and Cognitive Science:
Santulli, Pallotto, Balbo
Franco Strazzabosco Award for Engineers: Berardi, Lattanzi, Pavone
AnnaMAria Molteni Award in Mathematics and Physics: Antici, Radicchi, Argenti
Young Investigators Award in Environmental Sciences, Astrophysics and Chemistry: Civano, Cappelluti, Isella


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