New Italian Cinema Events (N.I.C.E.), a nonprofit organization based in Florence, Italy, is back again to celebrate Italian film here in New York! All film screenings are free and open to the public. These films will be in Italian with English subtitles and presented by the directors themselves. Advanced registration is required. Register here. &n...

When: Tuesday, November 22, 2016 From 6:00 pm To 8:00 pm Where: Italian Cultural Institute of New YorkOrganized by : IIC Entrance : Free   Screening of the documentary film Camminando sull'Acqua (Walking on Water), with the participation of Paolo Fantacci (son of Beppe Fantacci) e Laudomia Pucci (daughter of Emilio Pucci).  ...

By Jackson Shrout Marginalization, in one form or another, is an inevitability in the formation of nations. Italy, which was properly unified over the course of the 19th century, was no exception.   In "Italy's Margins in Photography and Film," a lecture by David Forgacs, the New York University professor examined the cultural history of It...

di Riccardo Chioni   Gli investigatori sono stati chiamati sulla scena del crimine, ma a condurre le indagini non è il commissario Montalbano bensì l'autore Fred Plotkin, il quale ha messo assieme le prove che hanno portato a scoprire il falso olio extra vergine d'oliva italiano.Intitolata "Find the Fake!", l'inchiesta organizzata dall'Ice,...

A prescindere che tu sia italiano o meno, quando varchi la soglia della pizzeria "Numero 28" ti senti a casa. Ad accoglierti, nella sede storica di 28 Carmine Street, nel West Village, c'è Eugenia Vilardo, 72 anni, di Cosenza.   È lei la maga della cucina. È arrivata a New York nel '62, quando aveva 21 anni. Con la Grande Mela è stato a...

By Debbie Truong   Mickey Andreozzi looks at a map of Italy on Saturday during the Lackawanna Italian Heritage Celebration. For 30 years, Delia Iannarelli has collected mementos of her Italian heritage, amassing a diverse collection that includes dated Italian currency, a wooden string pasta maker and a ceramic decorative vase tradition...

Il festival di San Gennaro a Little Italy ogni anno riunisce tantissimi italiani di prima, seconda o terza generazione (e centinaia di turisti in generale) che durante questo evento sperano di poter respirare ancora una volta l'atmosfera di una volta, quando il quartiere era dominato dalla massiccia presenza di immigrati dal Bel Paese.   Da...

Like Enrico Caruso before him, Luciano Pavarotti extended his presence far beyond the limits of Italian opera. Quickly establishing his trademark rich sound as the great male operatic voice of the 20th century, he expanded his reach to stadium concerts and pop collaborations which brought him fame beyond measure. The 50th anniversary of the launch...

by Steve Smith   Though she is beloved of connoisseurs and critics, the Italian soprano Anna Caterina Antonacci remains little known among a broader New York public. It's not for lack of talent, since she is an artist of singular gifts and refined temperament.   But her local performances have been limited to just two concerts: one in...

His road to success is taking him from the Bronx to Oxford University.Harvard University senior Paolo Singer, 22, who hails from the Boogie Down, is among 32 American students to win prestigious Rhodes scholarships to study at Oxford, officials said Sunday. He heads to England next year. "When they read my name, I was pretty stunned," Singer...

Through a special collaboration with the Gallerie dell'Accademia, Venice, and the Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, Urbino, The Metropolitan Museum of Art will host a focused presentation on the devotional paintings of Piero della Francesca, addressing Piero's work for private devotion for the first time.   The four works on view have never b...

La foto di Anton Giulio Bragaglia 'Salutando' (fotodinamica, 1911), che fa parte della raccolta di fotografia della Galleria civica di Modena, sarà esposta dal 21 febbraio al Solomon R.Guggenheim Museum di New York nell'ambito della mostra 'Italian Futurism, 1909-1944: Reconstructing the Universe'.   L'opera rientra nel fondo Franco Fontana...