10 amazing Italian Restaurants in San Francisco's North Beach

Jun 20, 2022 764

BY: Jefferson Graham

My favorite place to stay, when in San Francisco, is in North Beach, the Little Italy section of the city, where I always take advantage of local color,. Here it's the real deal: beyond the red and white checkered tablecloths and the smell of pizza and freshly made sauce, you'll hear many people speaking in Italian as well and see the Italian flag proudly displayed on most blocks.

From the steps of the Columbus Inn, my favorite San Francisco hotel, at 1075 Columbus Avenue, I can get you to 10 great Italian restaurants, on a short 8 block walk, or 6/10ths of a mile. As well as one amazing bakery. That is, if you're in the mood for cannoli. (And who isn't?)

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SOURCE: https://www.jeffersongraham.com

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