2013 NOIAW Gala

Apr 02, 2013 3015

You're Invited! Please join The National Organization of Italian American Women at the 2013 NOIAW Gala "Celebrating Italian Food, Wine & Opera" honoring Donatella Arpaia. The Gala will take place on April 29th at The Pierre in New York City.

The exciting evening includes two educational forums on "Italian Women in Wine: A Guided Tasting" and "Wine, Food and Opera: The Perfect Triad." A Gala reception and dinner will follow the presentations.

Donatella Arpaia, our esteemed honoree, is a renowned restaurateur, celebrity chef, author and television personality, appearing regularly on the Food Network and The Today Show. The undeniable passion that began as a child spending summers in Naples and Puglia, the birthplace of her parents, suspended in the beauty of family, food, and shared moments, led her to become an influential woman in the world of food, business, and entertaining.

About the Presentations

Italian Women in Wine: A Guided Tasting

Winebow, Inc., a leading importer of premium Italian wines in the United States, will present a selection of wines from some exceptional and inspiring Italian women winemakers and winery owners, showcasing the uniqueness and diversity of the regions in which they are made. The wines are sure to delight.

Food, Wine And Opera: The Perfect Triad

Tenor Luciano Lamonarca has performed at Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, under the patronage of the United Nations and the European Union, and throughout the United States. His exceptional presentation about wine and food's significance in opera will educate, entertain and enthrall opera aficionados and novices alike.

Concurrent presentations will begin at 4pm, and each will be repeated at 5:15 pm in order for guests to attend both.

Honorary Gala Committee

His Excellency Claudio Bisogniero (Ambassador of Italy to the US) - Deputy Consul General of Italy in NY Laura Aghillare - Hon. Robert P. Astorino - Renee Taylor & Joe Bologna - Hon. Rosa DeLauro - Hon. Patricia deStacy Harrison - Hon. Janet DiFiore - Gr. Uff. RoseMarie Gallina-Santangelo - Hon. Frank Guarini - Anita Bevacqua McBride - Hon. Constance A. Morella - Agata Musco - Dana Perino - Philip Piccigallo, Ph.D. - Nicole Romano - Cav. Uff. Joseph Sciame - John Viola - John A. Zaccaro *In Progress

Gala Co-Chairs

Diana Femia - Angela Sculti

Gala Committee

Maria Puccio Arianas - Maryelen Brusco - Amy C. Cococcia - Jo-Ann Daddio-Larsen - Anne Marie D'Attelo, Esq. - Roseann McSorley - MaryRose Barranco Morris, Ed.D. - Joann Sicoli, CMP - Allyson F. Skinner - Elline Surianello

Business Attire ~ Gentlemen Always Welcome


Individual Ticket $375 - Preferred Ticket $600 (Reserved Seating at presentations and prominent seating at dinner)

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