Alfieri MASERATI. The pursuit of legend

Feb 02, 2023 852

BY: Luca Cottini

In the new episode of Italian Innovators I present the story of ALFIERI MASERATI, founder of the renowned automobile company. WATCH THE EPISODE HERE. Starting from the finish line of the 1908 Targa Florio, where young Alfieri celebrated as the riding mechanic of the winning pilot Vincenzo Trucco, I explore the development of his career (from racing to car manufacturing) and the parallel evolution of the Italian automotive industry.

Also at that finish line were Vincenzo Lancia (later founder of Lancia), Ernesto Ceirano (brother of Giovanni Battista Ceirano, who designed the first Italian car for Fiat), and Felice Nazzaro (who later became the inspiration of Enzo Ferrari). Like these competing pilots, the personal and entrepreneurial story of Maserati developed as a restless bid for modernity, as an endless quest for technical advancements, and ultimately as a passionate “pursuit of legend”. 

I hope you will enjoy this presentation! Let me know what you think.



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SOURCE: Italian Innovators

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