Another unacceptable insult against Italian Americans

Nov 23, 2021 2586

BY: The Italian American Podcast

In an era of increasing efforts to respect all ethnicities, and as we watch the ways in which tasteless humor are being called into question, could the Desus & Mero on Showtime, and the people at Showtime Networks find any more low-brow and insulting ways to describe Italian people and culture? Particularly when the topic is one that means a lot to so many of us. Here is the video

To #DesusAndMero, can either of you gentlemen muster the empathy to consider how you might feel if the shoe was on the other foot? As you proposed, we would love to welcome you on our show to discuss why this is not funny, not creative, and not OK!

This is two minutes that no community BUT the Italian American community would be subject to without serious and severe reactions and consequences. Yet, somehow, we can always be the punchline, and old disgusting tropes and lazy humor are still allowed when it comes to us! Truly gross, truly disappointing, and truly unacceptable!

If you too think this is just wrong, please let #Showtime and the Desus & Mero Show know how you feel!

SOURCE: Italian American Podcast

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