'A better life': Cayuga Museum showcases Italian-American immigrant experience in Auburn

Jun 09, 2017 2854

BY: Kelsey R. Marquart

When Cayuga Museum Executive Director Eileen McHugh was approached by a group of Italian-Americans suggesting her museum create an exhibit showcasing their heritage, she knew it would be a great place for it. "It's been on our radar for a long time to do a blue-collar Auburn exhibit," McHugh said. "Immigration is also very much in the news right now."

The exhibit, "Becoming American," opens to the public with a reception Friday at the Genesee Street museum. Visitors will learn about the experiences of Italian-American immigrants told through their families, stories and objects from their lives. The exhibit covers immigrant families from the late 1800s through post-World War II.

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SOURCE: http://auburnpub.com

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