A Chance in Life NY Spring Ball 4/4

Mar 30, 2017 1918

On April 4th, A Chance In Life, formerly known as the Boys’ & Girls’ Towns of Italywill host its annual New York Annual Gala at The Pierre Hotel, benefitting refugee, migrant, and at-risk youth. The night will honor Frank Bisignano, CEO of First Data Corporation, who will receive the "Michelangelo D'Oro Award". The night of music and dancing will start at 6pm with cocktails before dinner begins at 7pm. 

The Gala Chair will be Contessina Francesca Braschi, with singer and winner of 2016’s Woman of the Year Award Karen King among those serving on the Gala Dinner Committee. The Honorary Committee will consist of The Honorable Charles E. Schumer – U.S. Senator of the State of New York, His Excellency Armando Varricchio – Ambassador of Italy to the United State of America, Francesco Genuardi – Italian Consul General of NY, and Maurizio Forte - Italian Trade Commission. Special guests will also include Tony Danza.

 Boys’ & Girls’ Towns of Italy was founded in 1945 by Monsignor John Patrick Carroll-Abbing to provide in his words, "a chance in life" to vulnerable and orphaned children in post-World War II Italy. These desperately poor children lived on the streets free of any of supervision and recoiled at adults telling them what to do. Seven decades later, BGTI’s unique approach of self-government has given a chance in life to more than 32,000 young people, from all over the world. While continuing the innovative work in Italy, in September 2015 BGTI founded Boys’ and Girls’ Towns of Ethiopia to support 400 children, primarily girls, in one of the poorest countries of the world. In 2016, BGTI established Boys' & Girl's Towns of India to support 900 children living in the extremely remote and poor tribal areas of Kerala. Monsignor Carroll-Abbing always said, "Wherever there are children suffering, we should be there." 

To honor the vision of our founder and to reflect the growing international scope of their work, they assumed the new name of A Chance in Life. 

The Pierre Hotel is located at 1 East 61st, New York, NY. Tickets start at $600 and tables start at $25,000. For more information and to purchase tickets for the New York Spring Ball on April 5th, please visit: https://501auctions.com/achanceinlife/ 

For more information about A Chance In Life, please visithttp://www.achanceinlife.org

SOURCE: A Chance In Life

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