COM.IT.ES San Francisco kicks off its programs on International Workers’ Day at the Museo Italo Americano

May 10, 2022 575

BY: Serena Perfetto

The new COM.IT.ES, the groups representing Italian expats all over the world, officially formed a few months ago, opening a new chapter for many cities and areas in the world that will last five years. As their main task, the COM.IT.ES work on identifying social, cultural, and overall needs of the Italian community and bring requests in front of local authorities and institutions.

With up to 18 members, the COM.IT.ES are meant to run initiatives that involve young people and old generations, giving social and educational assistance as well as hosting sports and leisure activities. One of the main focuses of the COM.IT.ES. is related to the Italian language and all programs ensuring its promotion and spreading across communities and generations. 

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