ICA: A podcast to help you with getting Italian Citizenship

Jan 19, 2020 3359

Due to the large number of people who are unable to find information about Italian citizenship  by descent or who are having a difficult time finding accurate information, Italian Citizenship Assistance (ICA) has decided to produce a video podcast series where they answer questions from people all over the world about Italian citizenship by descent (Jure Sanguinis), Italian citizenship by marriage and Italian citizenship through a 1948 court case. These podcasts are hosted by Italian attorney, Marco Permuinian, and Rafael Di Furia, a content creator, known in the Italian dual citizenship community for his videos on the subjects of dual citizenship and living in Italy. 

As a result, seeing the confusion and misinformation that is out there regarding Italian citizenship, Marco wanted to reach out to help people of the greater Italian community who are looking for help directly or those who may be looking to do a DIY (do-it-yourself) process to be recognized as a citizen of Italy. Marco and his team at ICA have years of experience and expertise in the field of Italian citizenship. Since this field of Italian citizenship is not only a job but also a passion of Marco's, he, along with Rafael, are making these podcasts and giving the information out for free for those who are interested and to engage with the global community. Marco approached Rafael Di Furia, a dual citizen who had completed the Italian citizenship by descent process himself, and relocated to Italy. They discussed how they could collaborate and make a difference in people's lives. After throwing many ideas back and forth, they came up with the idea to release video podcasts on the subject of Italian citizenship. 

In episode 1 of the video podcast Marco Permunian and Rafael Di Furia spoke about the basics of Italian citizenship by descent as an overview for those who are interested in the process and discussed the minimum documents required for the process.  

In episode 2 the hosts of the podcast, Marco and Rafael discussed the topics of applying for Italian citizenship through an Italian consulate where you currently live whereas in episode 2 they focused more on an alternative way of applying for Italian citizenship by relocating to Italy and applying at an Italian municipality (Comune). They went over some of the similarities and the differences of applying in each place and the advantages and disadvantages.

In episode 3 of the Italian citizenship podcast, the discussion was about Italian citizenship through a 1948 judicial case.  It may be necessary for some people to petition the courts if their direct family line connecting the petitioner to their Italian born ascendant went through a female ancestor who gave birth to her child before January 1, 1948.  It may sound like an overwhelming task but it is quite direct and they explain what steps would be required. This is all clarified along with some of the similarities and differences to a more common Italian citizenship by descent case applying through a municipality or a consulate. 

In episode 4 of the podcast the discussion is about Italian citizenship through marriage. Those who are married to an Italian citizen and have been married at least 1-3 years (depending on the circumstances which are clarified in the podcast) may be eligible for Italian citizenship simply because they are married to an Italian citizen. This is very popular among the spouses of those who gained Italian citizenship by descent and would like to remain in Italy for more extended periods of time or for those considering residing in or retiring to Italy. The Italian government is quite liberal in its approach and allows the spouse of an Italian citizen the ability to remain in Italy with their Italian spouse with or without citizenship. 

ICA is continuing to publish these video podcasts and cover all of the topics related to Italian citizenship. The regularly produced podcasts go over a variety of topics that focus on all the questions people have in a discussion format. Some of the podcasts are FAQs (frequently asked questions) discussing some of the most common questions about Italian citizenship, for example... details of who is eligible, documents required and information that is needed to decide if you are eligible and are interested in applying for citizenship. 

For more of the Italian citizenship podcast you can visit the Italian Citizenship Assistance YouTube channel

Stay tuned for upcoming podcasts that are released regularly. 

If you are interested in more information and help with the Italian citizenship process you can visit ItalianCitizenshipAssistance.com/Contact and contact Marco Permunian and his team of dual citizenship experts, legal professionals and attorneys.




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