Lecture and Concert that bring Italy to New York: Music for Brunelleschi’s Dome and L’Arte del Duomo – Lecture precedes concert

Feb 15, 2015 14022

Saturday, february 28 - 7 pm EST
Christ & Saint Stephen's Church - 120 W 69th St, New York 10023
Tickets: www.showclix.com

Music for Brunelleschi's Dome 7:00 PM, Lucia Baldacci, organist
A native of Florence, Italy, Lucia Baldacci is the organist at the Cathedral of S. Maria del Fiore – the Duomo – of Florence. At CSS she will offer a recital of works associated with Brunelleschi's architectural masterpiece, begun in 1296 by Arnolfo di Cambio and completed by Brunelleschi in 1436.

L'Arte del Duomo – Lecture precedes concert 6:00 PM
Dr. Giovanni Guidetti, Art Historian and Guide to the City of Florence
Dr. Guidetti, a graduate of the University of Florence publishes articles on the Renaissance and Baroque architecture, sculpture, and painting of Florence for numerous publications. At CSS he will lecture on the design, construction, and masterpieces of the Duomo, the first domed building erected since the Pantheon. General admission is $35 Seniors and Students $25. 

Tickets may be purchased at the door, or in advance.

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