Locorotondo, Puglia's “secret” white city

May 21, 2024 127

If we think of a white city in Puglia, of course, we think of beautiful Ostuni, but there is another one: Locorotondo. Locorotondo, one of the Borghi più Belli d’Italia, is located in the heart of Puglia’s Valle d’Itria, at around 410 meters above sea level. Awarded the Orange Flag by the Italian Touring Club for its beauty and quality of life, this village is known for its circular planimetry and the beauty of its architecture. 

The name “Locorotondo” comes from the Latin locus rotundus and reflects the town’s unique circular layout. Its earliest documented mention dates back to 1195 in an imperial diploma by Henry VI of Swabia, that acknowledged the existence of a “Locus qui dicitur rotondus” and a church dedicated to Saint George. Over centuries, Locorotondo has seen various rulers, from the Knights Hospitaller in 1314 to noble families like the Del Balzo Orsinis and the Carafas, shaping its historical and cultural landscape.

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SOURCE: https://italoamericano.org

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