Stanley Tucci Just Launched a Cookware Line and We're Smitten

Sep 17, 2023 550

BY: Theresa Greco

Italian actor and esteemed home cook Stanley Tucci has been teasing his Instagram followers for days with a "something is coming" Reel. I've been stalking his feed since this post went up, eager to get a first glimpse of whatever was happening. He finally revealed the news today and fans (including me) went wild. 

This morning I woke up early to find that Tucci has collaborated with GreenPan, the PFAS_free ceramic nonstick cookware, on a cookware line. "This is the cookware that makes cooking easier and will help you enjoy your life through food," says Tucci. The TUCCI by GreenPan cookware collection is made in Italy, of course, and is inspired by the actor's modern, minimalist style. 

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