A Statement from the IAMLA

Jun 07, 2020 1584

As a institution dedicated to the teaching, preservation, and exploration of history, the Italian American Museum of Los Angeles recognizes the dangers of intolerance and the deleterious effects of hate, discrimination, and violence on our society. The IAMLA believes in universal and inalienable human rights and stands in solidarity with those who come together in peace to seek justice and transform pain into progress.

The IAMLA is committed to using the power of history, arts, and culture to help become a more reflective, equitable, inclusive, and empathetic community, and prides itself in serving as a constructive space where justice, peace, and meaningful dialog can flourish.

The IAMLA contends that history and education matter more than ever during these times. History provides a lens through which we view the experiences of others—including those who we perceive to be different from ourselves. It serves as a vehicle through which we develop a sense of common ground and find empowerment and inspiration in the struggles and triumphs of others. History can be a bridge that spans divides and helps us recognize that we are one human race with many of the same hopes and inspirations. It is through education that we gain a deeper understanding of the events that brought us to the crossroads we find ourselves in today and challenge our institutions, our communities, and most of all, ourselves, to be better.

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