“Women Pioneering Architecture: The first Italian Architects Plautilla Bricci and Elena Luzzato"

Oct 29, 2022 1098

PI-Philly, in partnership with the Consulate General of Italy in Philadelphia and the Athenaeum, is pleased to invite you to “Women Pioneering Architecture: The first Italian Architects Plautilla Bricci and Elena Luzzato". A Talk by Prof. Consuelo Lollobrigida. Join us for the presentation on history of women artists in the modern times and their importance in architecture. The talk will be followed by Q&A.

Saturday, November 12th - 10:30 am Eastern Time (in-person event). The Athenaeum of Philadelphia - 219 6th Street (Washington Square), Philadelphia, PA 19106. This event is free, but reservation is required at events@athenaonline.org or calling the number 215-925-2688 - Limited capacity: 75 people (mask is recommended)

Prof. Consuelo Lollobrigida is an art historian and a writer with a PhD in Art History from Sapienza University, Rome. She is currently a professor of Art History at the University of Arkansas Rome Program, and since 2005 she has been particularly interested in the history of women artists in the early modern time, with a focus on Rome and its environment.

As a writer she has authored many scholarly articles and books including Plautilla Bricci. Pictura et Architectura celebris. L’architettrice del Barocco Romano. She has been invited to several universities, cultural associations and private institutions as a guest speaker, and has participated in various women artist history related international conferences. Since 2021 prof. Lollobrigida is co-organizer of the Annual International Women in Arts Conference (AIWIAC).

Consuelo Lollobrigida is also an antique art dealer, and a mom!


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