A play shows how being a loud Italian made Lombardi a diversity pioneer

Aug 25, 2015 1423

by Mayank Keshaviah

"The most perfect imperfect man I ever met" is the description cub reporter Michael McCormick (Troy Whitaker) gives of Vince Lombardi (Bert Emmett) in Eric Simonson's play about the NFL coaching legend. The play, which ran on Broadway in 2010-2011, focuses on one week during the 1965 football season during which McCormick comes to Green Bay, Wisconsin, from New York to interview Lombardi for a piece he's writing for Look magazine.

McCormick stays with the Lombardis and has numerous conversations with Vince's wife Marie (Julia Silverman), as well as with Packers players Paul Hornung (Ian Stanley), Dave Robinson (Steve West), and Jim Taylor (Christopher Hawthorn).

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Source: http://www.laweekly.com/

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