Jimmy Garoppolo on Joe Montana comparisons… ‘We’re both Italian!’

Feb 02, 2020 4757

BY: Ross HInds

All the mothers love him, all the daughters want to date him, all the fathers respect him, and all the brothers want to drink with him. When I hear a loud cheer at Levi’s Stadium, I know it’s for Jimmy Garoppolo. It’s not just women, but after one game, a male voice gasped, “He’s so HOT!” Hailed as the 49ers’ weak link from Day 1, Garoppolo continues to prove his doubters wrong.

The 28-year-old has shown that he has all the attributes required to be a superstar in the NFL – size, strength, mobility, toughness, intelligence, and a unique maturity for a young man. I heard chatter on the radio recently to the effect, “Can Jimmy Garoppolo become the next great Italian-American quarterback?” Short answer: Yes.

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SOURCE: https://www.grinbergnews.com

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