Juventus, Italy joins Juventus, Redwood City

Mar 31, 2019 1556

BY: Nathan Mollat

Before European soccer became a household brand in the United States, there were a handful of big-name clubs that true soccer fans knew: Liverpool, Bayern Munich, Real Madrid. On that list as well was Juventus FC, arguably — and I stress the word “arguably” — the biggest club in Italy, one that was originally founded in 1897. 

In 1956, the Juventus Soccer Club was established in Redwood City, the founders naming the club after their favorite Italian team. The two clubs had never had any kind of relationship — until now. The Peninsula’s Juventus club announced Tuesday a partnership with the Italian giant, one that will help local soccer talent develop, with the ultimate goal of sending the top players to play in Europe.

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SOURCE: https://www.smdailyjournal.com

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