Oscar Generale, the Italian producer of Hollywood Stars

Mar 03, 2019 2064

BY: Silvia Giudici

“I always dreamed of working, one day, in the entertainment industry and, being an extremely ambitious person, I had high standards: I wanted to go to Hollywood and become an agent, but especially a producer.”  Oscar Generale’s tenacity brought him exactly where he desired, in Los Angeles, where his goal of becoming a film producer and an expert in product-placement became a reality.

His recipe for success? “Working hard, always. Also, my outgoing and warm personality helped me get into this business,” adds the Italian producer, originally from San Giorgio Canavese in the province of Turin, but based in the United States where he lives with his partner Denny Mendez, former Miss Italia, and their daughter India Nayara.  

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SOURCE: https://italoamericano.org/

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