Tarantata spider dance - February 3, 2015

Feb 02, 2015 596

Extraordinary vocalist, hand-percussionist and dancer Alessandra Belloni creates a voluptuous exploration of Tarantella—
the frenzied ritual dances that enact the release of built-up erotic desire— in a contemporary incarnation of the southern Italian folk form.

In the traditional "Pizzica Tarantata" healing rite, performers suffering the effects of spider "love bite" are accompanied by furious percussion as they spin, stomp, writhe and otherwise work up an ecstatic lather in a bid to purge the "venom" from their bodies. Belloni uses both traditional and modern instrumentation to dramatize an account of the curative power of the ritual. For more info, please click here.

Source: http://losangeles.eventful.com/

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