Viva Italia – concert by the San Francisco Renaissance Voices

Oct 29, 2015 824

Museo Italo Americano. Fort Mason Center - 2 Marina Blvd., Building C - San Francisco, CA 94123. Sunday, November 1 at 4:30pm. The San Francisco Renaissance Voices will perform Viva Italia, a concert of Italian Renaissance music. Come and enjoy a special, fascinating and rare concert featuring Missa Nasce la Gioia by Palestrina and madrigals by Asola, Vecchi, Casulana, Aleotti, Croce, Striggio and Marenzio.

Members $10 / Non-Members $20 - Please RSVP to 415 673-2200 - SPACE IS LIMITED. Concert underwritten by the Rosaria Haugland Foundation

Source: Museo Italo Americano

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