Happy Mary in DC

Oct 26, 2019 1140

Saturday October 26, 7 PM. Ward Hall, Benjamin T. Rome School of Music, The Catholic University of America, 620 Michigan Avenue NE Washington, DC 20064. The show is one of the winners of the I Teatri del Sacro 2017 festival. Ticket: $20, Info at info@casaitalianaente.org. A former actress finds herself having to play the role of the Virgin Mary in an Easter procession, and she begins to question herself ...

Happy Mary is an irreverent, comical and moving show that celebrates the woman, her physicality, her joyous strength of redemption through an original, respectful gaze of the figure of Mary. Happy Mary is inspired by a very ancient popular rite - present in Italy in Abruzzo, Calabria (L'affruntata), in Sicily (U'Ncontru) and Sardinia (S'incontru) which reproduces the episode in the Easter processions, not described in the Gospels, in which the risen Jesus and his mother find themselves in a joyful encounter.


SOURCE: Italians in DC

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