Mike Scioscia and Sal Varriale are Italian legends

Jun 02, 2013 1906

It was a beautiful reunion when Angels' skipper Mike Scioscia welcomed Team Italy hitting coach Mike Piazza to Tempe's Diablo Stadium hours before the start of Italy's WBC warm-up exhibition game against the LA Angels. Scioscia exclaimed, "Where's Sal Varriale?" Anyone in the Team Italy circle, especially Piazza, would know if Varriale was in the WBC traveling party since both are synonymous with Italian baseball.

The impromptu Italian American coaches reunion would take on even more significance if Sal was in the house since it had been over a year since Scioscia had seen Varriale. The American Baseball Coaches Association (ABCA) honored Varriale with the Meritorious Service Award and Scioscia with the Rawlings Honor Award at the 2012 ABCA convention in Anaheim. After a hugely successful campaign as a player in Italy, Sal Varriale coached the Italian national team in the 1992-2004 Olympics. He now serves as Director of Parma Baseball and an international scout for the Cincinnati Reds.

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Source: http://mlbforlife.com/

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