Time-honored, ever-popular 'La Traviata' is UI Opera's spring production

Mar 31, 2023 600

Spring: It’s a time of renewal when the sap rises, flowers bloom, and one’s “fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love.” (Thank you, Alfred, Lord Tennyson.)

Fittingly, the University of Iowa Opera’s spring production is a love story — or more accurately, a story of love, redemption, and loss: Giuseppe Verdi’s "La Traviata." The 170th anniversary of its premiere was March 6, but its appeal remains fresh. In fact, "La Traviata" (literally translated as “The Fallen Woman”) is consistently among the 10 most-performed operas in the world. So what’s the secret to its success?

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SOURCE: https://eu.desmoinesregister.com

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