99-year-old WWII veteran from Watertown to be honored at Dolphins-Bills game

Jan 05, 2024 1085

BY: Lexi Bruening

A 99-year-old Watertown man will be a guest of honor at Sunday night’s matchup between the Miami Dolphins and Buffalo Bills. Querino Augusto “Augie” Alteri served in both World War II and the Korean War and will be honored at the game in Miami. During the game, the Dolphins will give Augie an on-field ceremony to be recognized in front of thousands of fans in the stands at the Hard Rock Stadium.

Augie, a Dolphins fan and Purple Heart recipient will fly with his family to Miami on Friday. “This isn’t just for Dad, it’s for all vets. We know a lot of them, and Dad happens to be one of the oldest in the area, so I’d like to think he’s representing all of the veterans,” said Augie’s son, Paul Alteri.

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SOURCE: https://www.wwnytv.com

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