Alessandra Belloni to Host RHYTHM IS THE CURE Dance & Percussion Workshop at Synod Hall, Begin. 4/26

Apr 04, 2014 1031

PIZZICA TARANTATA - a wild 6/8 rhythm played on medium size tambourines. The healing trance dance is done mainly by women who suffered from depression known as tarantismo and is often used for mental health disorders and imbalances. film clip from the 2013 workshop in Tuscany at ;

RITMO E DANZA DI SAN ROCCO (Spinning Dance) - originated in Calabria during the Middle Ages during the time of the plague to help people release the overpowering fear of death. Due to the trance-inducing movements and incessant spinning, people often enter ecstatic states during this dance, similar to the Whirling Dervish ceremonies.

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