PBS to air 'The Italian Americans' again on UNC-EX in May

Apr 08, 2015 753

by Rodger Mullen

"The Italian Americans," a two-part, four-hour documentary about the Italian experience in America, premiered on PBS Feb. 17. Written and produced by John Maggio and narrated by Stanley Tucci, the series explores the evolution of Italian-Americans from the late 19th century to today.

However, according to UNC-TV director of communications and marketing Steve Volstad, it was not seen locally on the regular PBS station in February.
"What happened was unfortunate timing," Volstad said in an email. "PBS was offering it at times that conflicted with our festival pledge drive, which is our largest and most important drive of the year. As a result, our programming department scheduled the series on one of our alternative channels, UNC-EX, and it was actually already shown on that channel in February."Volstad said the documentary will be shown again in May on UNC-EX. For Time Warner subscribers, UNC-EX is channel 1277.

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Source: http://www.fayobserver.com/

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