At a reception on Capitol Hill hosted by the National Italian American Foundation, Italian Ambassador Claudio Bisogniero greeted on Wednesday evening (Feb 27) the new Italian American Congressional Delegation for 113th Congress."The relationship between Italy the United States is so profound and so solid" said Bisogniero. The Ambassador noted that...

L'arte italiana torna protagonista a New York. E' stata inaugurata nei giorni scorsi nella Grande Mela, presso la sede del nostro Istituto italiano di cultura, la mostra "Assonanze/Dissonanze, la figura umana attraverso la storia dell'arte italiana". Esposti 14 capolavori dell'arte italiana, spaziando da reperti archeologici a opere di grandi maest...

Kairos Italy Theater (KIT), the preeminent Italian theater company in New York City, is organizing In Scena! Italian Theater Festival NY, the first Italian theater festival to take place annually in all five New York City boroughs and beyond. The inaugural festival will be June 10 to 20, 2013. All events are free. The festival's website is www.insc...

Ca' d'Oro, the gallery that made their grand appearance in 2010 with the iconic larger than life pink snails during Art Basel Miami Beach, has recently relocated from Coral Gables to the epicenter of luxury, the 4141 Building in the Design District.   In conjunction with Giuseppe Verdi's Bicentennial and as a celebration, Ca' d'Oro Gallery w...

Giulio, thank you very, very much, and buon pomeriggio to everybody. Thank you for being patient. I apologize for being a little bit delayed. But as I think you all know, we were under the great leadership and tutelage of Giulio. We were doing important diplomatic work this morning, and I might say that I think the Foreign Minister organized a very...

Simboli ancestrali per arrivare al centro dell'anima: sono le 'vite a spirale' dell'artista siciliana Giusy D'Arrigo, dal 3 ottobre allestite in una sua mostra personale a New York. Si tratta di 73 opere, tutte di grandi dimensioni, altorilievi astratti in cui i diversi materiali si fondono tra di loro come gigantesche installazioni.   Prese...

Yesterday at the Italian Cultural Institute, was the official unveiling of the Treasures from Naples' Teatro di San Carlo, a stunning collection of rare stage costumes, jewels, tapestries, and other treasures, whose provenance spans the last 250 years of Teatro di San Carlo's rich history. The auction of these items at the June 15th Gala Dinner and...

Federico on My Mind, an Art Exhibition by Annamaria Suppa, is now for the first time in the United States for the Year of Italian Culture.   This Exhibition – a tribute to the Maestro Fellini's masterpieces – has been featured as one of the official side events of The 4th Bif&st Bari International Film Festival (March 16-23, 2013 Bari, I...

WASHINGTON - A Washington per inaugurare ''L'anno della cultura italiana negli Stati Uniti''. E' questo lo scopo principale della missione del Ministro degli Esteri Giulio Terzi, che sara' in visita negli Stati Uniti dal 12 al 13 dicembre. Una manifestazione che, nata dall'iniziativa dello stesso Terzi, gode dell'Alto Patronato del Presidente della...

Dagli schermi televisivi di milioni di americani all'Ambasciata d'Italia a Washington. Il conduttore del programma ''The Situation Room'' dell'emittente statunitense CNN, Wolf Blitzer, è stato proclamato stasera dall'Ambasciatore d'Italia negli USA, Claudio Bisogniero, vincitore dell'ottava edizione dell'Urbino Press Award. Un'edizione dal sapore s...