On February 15th 2019, in the Sala delle Feste at Palazzo Bastogi, together with the Regional Council, the "Toscana-Usa, Usa-Toscana: Investing to grow" convention took place on the occasion of the bicentennial celebrations of the American diplomatic presence in Florence. At the Conference opened by the President of the Regional Council of Tuscany ...
READ MOREFlorence’s first U.S. Consul assumed office in 1823, his name was Giacomo Ombrosi and, curiously, he wasn’t American. Michele Amedei, a scholar and art historian specializing in the link among American artists in Tuscany in the first half of the 19th century, details his research. The Florentine: What can you tell us about Giacomo Ombrosi?Michele A...
READ MORECinquecento gli studenti americani che si sono radunati questo pomeriggio nel Salone dei Cinquecento di Palazzo Vecchio per partecipare al "Welcome Day", l'evento annuale organizzato dalle Università americane a Firenze. Un'occasione per dare simbolicamente il benvenuto a tutti i giovani provenienti da oltre oceano che decidono di trascorrere un pe...
READ MOREPalazzo Vecchio is preparing to host 500 students in the Salone dei Cinquecento for Welcome Day, a celebration of the close to 15,000 North American young people who annually enroll in Florence-based study abroad programs. Presiding over the February 5 event will be Dario Nardella (Mayor of Florence), Benjamin Wohlauer (Consul General of the United...
READ MOREThis year marks the bicentennial of U.S. diplomatic presence in Florence, making it the second oldest continuous U.S. diplomatic establishment in Italy—after Naples, where we set up shop in 1796. The terminology “diplomatic presence” is chosen deliberately, as over the last 200 years we have had many faces and roles. There have been 46 principal of...
READ MOREEntering the holiday season (which we Americans kicked off on November 22 with our Thanksgiving), perhaps you’re looking forward to some time with family and friends, some good food, and maybe even a long-awaited vacation. For many of my fellow citizens, this vacation will be a once-in-a-lifetime holiday to Florence or Tuscany. It’s also a time to...
READ MOREE’ davvero così vantaggioso e semplice per un’impresa investire oggi negli Stati Uniti d’America? Questo è stato il tema principale del seminario SelectUsa “Le opportunità di investimento e presidio commerciale negli Stati Uniti” svoltosi oggi a palazzo Bernardini organizzato da Confindustria Toscana Nord e a cui hanno partecipato, tra gli altri, l...
READ MOREMercoledì mattina ha fatto visita a Cesena il Console Generale degli Stati Uniti d’America a Firenze Benjamin Wohlauer. La tappa di Cesena – dove attualmente risiede una decina di cittadini americani - rientra in un più ampio giro della Romagna, che il Console sta conducendo in questi giorni, in vista delle celebrazioni (previste per il prossimo an...
READ MOREWhen the conversation begins and ends discussing favorite eateries and obscure museums in Bologna, you know it’s going to be a great chat. I was lucky enough to spend two hours speaking with the 44th U.S. diplomatic representative in Florence, US Consul General Benjamin Wohlauer, a role that covers Tuscany, Emilia-Romagna, and the Republic of San M...
READ MOREOn May 15, 1819, the first U.S. Consular Agent was appointed to Florence. His name was James Ombrosi and he was tasked under mandate from the U.S. Consulate at Livorno. Nearly 200 years on, the U.S. Mission in Italy is gearing up to celebrate this special anniversary of American diplomatic presence in Florence in 2019. As the first event in the le...