Please join us for a reception to announce the opening of the Center for the Study of Ancient Italy at UC Berkeley. The newly formed institution is intended to promote and advance the study of the many cultures of ancient Italy, with special emphasis on the Etruscans and Romans.   It will also support teaching and research at the University...

Venti anni, mamma monzese e papà americano. Milano come città di nascita e il mare e il surf - che aveva imparato ad amare a San Diego, città in cui era cresciuto - come grandi passioni. C'è anche Nicolas Leslie, venti anni, tra i morti dell'attentato di Nizza del 14 luglio scorso. Nicolas, nato a Milano e trasferitosi in California da bambino...

by Catherine Accardi & Dr. Lisa Pieraccini On May 6, 2015, UC Berkeley's ambitious plan to establish a Center for the Study of Ancient Italy was officially launched with a reception at the Italian Cultural Institute in San Francisco. It was a well attended event with supporting remarks from Italy's own representative, Mauro Battocchi, the...

by Lynn Yarris   No visit to Rome is complete without a visit to the Pantheon, Trajan's Markets, the Colosseum, or the other spectacular examples of ancient Roman concrete monuments that have stood the test of time and the elements for nearly two thousand years.   A key discovery to understanding the longevity and endurance of Roman a...

by Tim Layton   It only took us two millennia to figure out how the Ancient Romans made such amazingly durable concrete. Scientists at the Berkeley National Lab and a team of researchers from around the world have discovered the unique recipe used to construct Roman cities and landmarks—a surprising number of which still stand after 2000 yea...

Nasce il circolo del Partito Democratico di San Francisco - Berkeley - Silicon Valley, con l'intento di catalizzare le energie di una delle aree più ricche e innovative degli Stati Uniti. Il circolo si caratterizza per una forte presenza giovanile e un forte legame con l'università, il mondo dell'impresa e dei giovani professionisti. Annalisa Sia...