By Laura Caparrotti Diceva Eduardo: gli esami non finiscono mai. Lavorando nel teatro sembra doppiamente vero e mi chiedo se Eduardo non l'avesse pensato alla vigilia di qualche suo debutto. Gli esami non finiscono mai e in questi giorni di esami ne sto passando molti, a partire dal nuovo esperimento messo in atto con la compagnia giovani...
READ MORECONFERENCE DATES: OCTOBER 4 - 6, 2013 An international, interdisciplinary conference on the occasion of the 700th anniversary of Boccaccio's birth, to be held at Georgetown University and the Italian Embassy. Abstracts were due March 31, 2013. Selected papers will be published in the conference proceedings. TRAVEL GRANTS SPONSORED BY TH...
READ MOREWTI Magazine #72 2015 November 13Author : Elda Buonanno Foley Translation by: On top of a very famous palace in Rome, there is a popular line "A people made of artists, poets, saints, philosophers, scientists and sailors". The line, thought to celebrate the "Italian Civilization," remarkably summarizes how often the Italians are seen...
READ MOREThe Director of the Italian Cultural Institute Silvio Marchetti is pleased to invite you to "A Best Seller Ahead of Its Time: The Decamerone by Messer Giovanni Boccaccio" A Lecture by Carlo Pulsoni
READ MOREJust across the Bay Bridge from San Francisco — and 700 years into the past — distinguished professors from all over the world are lecturing on the work of 14th century Florentine poet and humanist Giovanni Boccaccio, renown for works such as Decameron and On Famous Women. Recently, San Franciscans enjoyed Pier Paolo Pasolini's Decameron at the Cas...