Stanley Tucci, the ever-charismatic actor and filmmaker, has come out to share some startling experiences from his career, particularly how he often found himself battling against the deep-seated prejudices associated with being Italian-American in Hollywood. Best known for his vast array of roles, from the flamboyant art director Nigel in The Devi...

Picture this: a cozy, dimly-lit restaurant filled with inviting aromas of freshly-baked bread and simmering sauces. Bowls filled with steaming pasta are being dished out from the small kitchen around the back, and the walls are adorned with stunning landscape shots of the Italian coast. Families are laughing and smiling at each other, and the air i...

IEEE Life Fellow Gerard J. “Jerry” Foschini, a Bell Labs researcher for more than 50 years, died on 17 September, 2023, at the age of 83. Foschini made groundbreaking contributions to the field of wireless communications that improved the quality of networks and paved the way for several important IEEE standards. In the early 1990s he helped to dev...

Best known for their haunting '70s soundtracks used in the films of gory giallo director Dario Argento, Italian progressive-rock outfit Claudio Simonetti's Goblin plays a career-spanning selection of horror movie themes when its current tour comes to the Regency Ballroom Wednesday night. Initially working under the monikers Oliver and Cherry Five a...

Wednesday, November 20 · 5 - 7pm PST. Pepperdine University, 24255 Pacific Coast Highway Malibu, CA. 17:00-18:00 Reception of Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar tastings. 18:00-19:00 Panel Discussion. In celebration of the 9th annual Week of Italian Cuisine in the World, the Consulate General of Italy in Los Angeles, the Italian Cultural Institute, COM...

Creative Minds: Italian American Inventors and Innovators. On view November 2024 – October 2025. Italian American Museum of Los Angeles (IAMLA) - 644 North Main Street, Los Angeles, CA. From the jacuzzi and the telephone to the nuclear reactor and the Big Mac, Italian American inventors and innovators have impacted our lives in ways great and small...

With the new Little Italy Museum and Cultural Center in San Jose now open to the public, people got their first chance to explore the restored house on West St. John Street at Sunday’s Little Italy Festival. Anyone who toured the old Beltramo house during the groundbreaking ceremony in 2020 can attest that architect Sal Caruso — and a team of build...

Saturday, November 16 · 2 - 4pm PST. St. Joseph Cathedral, 1535 Third Avenue San Diego, CA This presentation will discuss three works by women: Rosalia Pianavia Vivaldi’s colonial diary Tre anni in Eritrea (1901), Sibilla Aleramo’s memoir Una donna (1906) and Marie Hall Ets’s transcribed oral storytelling Rosa: The Life of an Italian Immigrant (197...

November 11, 14 & 17, 2024. 710 - Sansome St, San Francisco, CA. Week of Italian Cuisine in the World. STORIES OF EGGS AND FLOUR . A one-woman show by Gaia Mencagli. She travels in time and the space around her transforms. Between handfuls of flour, Gaia’s grandmother Rosa relives some of the most significant moments of her life, accompanied by mus...

On Saturday, November 2, 2024 in the San Martino Buon Albergo municipal Donini room headquarters, Mayor Giulio Furlani along with Federazione Italiana Baseball Softball (FIBS) President Andrea Marcon welcomed Los Angeles Angels pitcher Samuel Aldegheri home and debuted ‘Diamante Azzurro II’, the literary work by Riccardo Schiroli on the history of...